How to get verified on Youtube as an Official Artist Channel?

While watching music videos, you might have noticed something about their Channel, a music note next to their name, showing that Youtube verifies their Channel as Official Artist Channel or an Official Music Channel.

If you are an independent music artist and want your music channel to get verified on Youtube, and let everybody know you’re legit and verified, then you also want to get that checkmark.

In this article, we will see the benefits of being verified and how to do it.

What happens when you become an Official Artist Channel

Once you become an official artist, YouTube will also pull together all the artists’ content from across Youtube into one dedicated Channel. It is then mainly divided into two sections which are

  • Album Section
  • Official Music Video 

YouTube will organize your content video into an album section and all your official music videos into a new playlist. These sections will be locked and uneditable by you; however, you will be able to organize your Channel’s page and decide which section to display along with them, and which one to display on top.

On top of that, Official Artist Channels unlock new features, which are all available in YouTube Studio.

YouTube video

Benefits of Official Artist Channels

  • All your music can be found in one place.
  • You can customize the top playlist and trailer.
  • Auto-generated playlists appear with your ‘official music’ and full album discography.
  • Fans will have a single place to subscribe.

How to be an Official Artist Channel on Youtube

To be recognized as an Official Artist Channel, you should contact your label, digital distributor, or youtube partner manager to get an Official artist channel on Youtube.

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How to set up an Official Artist Channel on Youtube

Getting verified as an Official Artist Channel is not available to everyone, but you might have noticed that some major artists have already been verified as official artist channels on youtube.

Suppose you want to set up your Channel to be an Official artist channel.

In that case, you make sure your Channel is fully available, make sure it is authentic and original, and have at least three official music videos on your Channel. Youtube will notify you once your Channel is qualified as an Official Artist channel, and you can therefore send an application.

Requirements to be a Verified Music Channel set by Youtube

get verified on Youtube

The requirements set by Youtube to be as Official Artist channel is that:

  • The Channel should be ours, and you will have sole responsibility towards it. You must own and operate the Channel you are requesting to be the Official Artist Channel.
  • You need at least Three Official Music Videos released on the Youtube Platform.

How to get verified quickly as an Official Artist Channel

After you meet the above requirement, you must submit a request to Youtube’s Artist Support Team to gain access. For that, you need to send a mail to Make sure you mention this in your email to be more elegant and clear to process up the speed for your approval

  • Artist Name
  • Channel URL
  • URL links of three Official Video on Youtube
  • Artist Label/ Sub- Label

After you send them the details, they will likely reply to you in 3-5 business days. And it might take longer than that, so be patient. It might take a little time, but you will get your chance to get reviewed.

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It also requires to be

  •  It would help if you worked with a YouTube Partner Manager of the platform.
  • Get engaged with the YouTube Partner Program of the platform.
  • Your Channel will be a part of a label network that will work with a Partner Manager.

Tips and tricks

  • Name your Channel the same as your artist name.
  • use proper capitalization and spaces for SEO of youtube
  • Use high-quality profile pictures for your Channel.
  • Use an attractive banner for your Channel.
  • It is best practice to avoid unnecessary keywords like ‘Official’ or ‘Real.’

After You are Verified

  • Official Artist Channel will bring together all your content on one dedicated Channel, whether music videos, cover songs, live shows, or anything else.
  • Official Artist Channel will help you be more discoverable in search, which is when users search for you on Youtube, they will be directly linked to your Official Artist Channel.
  • Access to specific tools and analytics in YouTube Studio, which are only available to artists
  • The ability to update your YouTube Music pic & bio to make it more attractive
  • Exclusive access to data and analytics through YouTube Analytics for Artist
  • A verified music note next to your channel name will be visible to your fans

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