Psychology is an important part of everything that people do. Because it reflects the reasons for what they do and how they do it. Everything that people do has some psychological reasons behind it, whether it is about finding a life partner, selecting a travel destination, or simply watching a video. Every choice they make is backed by psychology and if we can understand these choices affecting psychological reasons, we can have a big advantage. This also applies to promoting your videos. If you want more and more people to watch your videos, you need to understand the psychological reasons that make them watch a video. Then you need to see if your video satisfies those reasons or not. Here are a few easy tricks and tips that can help you use psychology to get more views on your videos.
1) Get Your Audience’s Attention
In 2016, Facebook observed that 45 percent of individuals who view the first 3 seconds of your video watch it for at least 30 seconds more. This make us realise that piquing our audience’s interest wasn’t enough to pique their interest. In the first 3 seconds, we need to captivate our audience.
But what is it that draws them in? We can refer to them as hooks. Hooks are effective because they may capture your audience’s attention while also generating interest in the video. A successful video hook, according to Buffer, aesthetically hooks viewers and reveals the video’s primary content. In the opening three seconds, the narrator can rapidly describe the video’s major message. In our entrepreneurship video example, we may cut to the point with the beginning, alerting the audience that the film will discuss the emergence of entrepreneurship. There may be many people who want to run their own company and this brief overview will catch their attention.
2) Inspire Curiosity

Professor George Loewenstein of Carnegie Mellon University advocates using the theory of information gap to generate curiosity. According to this hypothesis, perceiving a gap in knowledge between what you already know and what you want to know motivates a person to fill it by taking action, such as clicking on a video to watch it.
Using basic, yet thought-provoking headlines, we can pique the interest of our visitors. For instance, “Entrepreneurship is making a comeback!” This title can elicit a variety of responses from our audience, such as “Why entrepreneurship was gone?” “What does it look like now?” and “How can I become an entrepreneur in today’s world?” therefore boosting the likelihood that they will watch our video. We might successfully create an information gap about what reader knows and what they want to know by sparking curiosity and keeping questions unresolved.
3) Create a visual representation
When we were newborns, we depended on eyesight to correlate items with actions, such as a ball indicated play time to us. The only method to discover the world was via seeing. That’s why you can comprehend visual information in less than 250 milliseconds (almost twice as quick as a blink of an eye) because your visual system activates more than half of your brain. The greatest way to learn anything has always been to watch it.
We should therefore opt to supplement our video’s text and narration with dynamic visuals, popular movie sequences, and real-life footage since presentation helps people understand concepts and facts more quickly.
4) Tell Your Audience A Story

When someone tells you a tale, they have the ability to immediately implant their own experiences and ideas into your mind. You start to feel the same way they do. Empathy is evoked by powerful stories because they stimulate brain regions that would be activated if the events of the stories were truly experienced by yourself. Your sensory cortex comes alive when someone mentions eating a platter of lobster mac & cheese. When someone tells you about their touchdowns, your motor cortex lights up. We can transform events into audiences’ own ideas and experiences by narrating stories with sensory details.
In our example, the video may communicate an entrepreneurship tale. More particularly, the history of entrepreneurship, its economic advantages, and the factors that have contributed to its recent turbulent past, present rebirth, and bright future. We can let viewers put themselves in the shoes of a modern entrepreneur by combining these facts into a tale. This enables students to understand the lack of fulfilment provided by the “work to live” mindset, as well as the influence their prospective entrepreneurial endeavours may have on self and the world.
5) Motivate and Inspire Your Audience
Brand choice, as per Psychology Today, is mostly an emotional decision. Humans identify personality qualities with companies in the same way they identify with people. Choosing a favourite brand is similar to selecting a best friend, and because we spend time with individuals who make us happy, we connect with companies that make us happy as well.
To get your videos to connect with your audience, they try to evoke warm emotions. Happiness, hope, and enthusiasm are just a few of the most prevalent feelings that fuel viral content. In our video example, we can urge entrepreneurs all around the world to keep following their ambitions by showcasing the low cost market entry in the digital age, reduced need for investors, and potential to easily generate new levels of brand engagement through social media. And tell them that their prospects have never been more promising.
6) Have credibility

In the realm of inbound marketing, trust is crucial. Our audience would never watch our videos if they don’t trust us. Never give false information in the title or first 3 second intro of your video, about something that your video doesn’t actually have, just to attract the audience. Never make false claims or give wrong data in your video just to make it sound interesting. Instead back every information you give in your videos by quoting the real source of that information. All this makes the audience believe in you.